Best Guide to Picking Perks at a New Job

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Starting a new job can be stressful. One part of picking a new job that doesn’t have to be stressful, and in fact can be a lot of fun, is picking which perks to sign up for if you have that option. In this article I’m going to discuss a pseudo-shopping list of perks that you might expect to find when you start a new job.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, and it doesn’t mean that your specific company is going to offer all these perks or even any of these perks… this is just an example of what may be out there, of what you might expect, and if your company doesn’t offer some of these perks; why not ask for them?

Perks, by their very nature, are special. They are important because they allow you to save your money when you would normally spend it on the perk. This allows you, in turn, to save more of your paycheck each week which will in turn, allow you to accumulate wealth at a faster rate than you would be able to without the perk. Because of this, perks can be very important. That is why you may want to negotiate better or different perks when you start a new job or when you get promoted at your current job.

But enough about that, let’s get to the list!

Some of these perks may tend to go with higher-level jobs, but then a lot of perks do, simply by their nature… for instance, there is use of company aircraft and use of executive apartments and suites.

Another common one is a company provided car. Some companies may even offer to provide you with a chauffeur to drive you around in your company car.

Rounding out the list of higher end perks is country club memberships. These are great both for you and your company, because you can socialize at the country club and possibly bring in new business for your company at the same time.

Other perks that are not so high-level include deferred compensation plans, discounts on products or services, educational programs, employment contracts, and health club memberships. Many of these things can be negotiated at almost any level of employment.

Expense accounts are another normal perk. The size of your expense account, whether it is a small expense account or a large one, would probably be determined by the level of job you are beginning.

Other perks includes incentive stock options, group life insurance, home entertainment allowances, added health-insurance, life insurance, or disability benefits. Many companies also offer loans for mortgages at low or sometimes even zero interest rates for employees.

Other perks include lunch club memberships, big offices, medical expense reimbursements, personal computers, and special parking spots for key employees. Also you may expect to find personal financial, legal, and tax advice as well as preretirement counseling. Use of private secretaries might also be considered a perk

Some less obvious perks include resort accommodations and fancy convention hotel rooms for your use. More stuffy perks include severance payment plans, supplemental retirement plans, signing bonuses, and things of this nature.

Other perks include tickets to theater or sporting events (use of company sporting tickets is quite common), first-class travel, and extra vacation time throughout the year.

So there you have it, a fairly comprehensive list of perks that you can expect to receive or negotiate for when you start a new job.


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