Make a Successful Start on Your New Job

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Your Career Service presents this article about how to make a successful start on your new job because success will be judged by the impression you make during the all-important first week. How to make a good impression and survive your first week at work? By hitting the street running in order to make a successful start and to prevent the first week from becoming your last.

When you make a great first impression at work, you’ll achieve a good and lasting imprint. Just follow these four rules on your first week —

1. Make sure you and your boss are on the same page by reviewing your job description together. And talk to other employees who have held the same job. Ask supervisors for tips that will make you a better performer.

2. Your first week is also the time to develop office relationships. But do not share intimate secrets. Your co-workers are also you competitors. For example, if a dozen of you are in a training program, only a few may end up getting the super positions.

3. Remember to carry a notebook to record what goes on at meetings. Your manager will consider it a sign of respect that her words are worth writing down.

4. After meetings, take a few minutes to review what you heard. Then chat with the person who led the meeting to restate your understanding of the action plan.

For more great tips about how to start a new job, Read, “How to get ahead during your first week at work,” a previous post on Your Career Service.


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