Moving for a New Job – Do’s and Don’ts

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Moving for a new job, do’s and don’ts, is meant to help you make an informed decision about whether to do it, or at least how to make the best out of the transition. Moving for any reason can be an exciting but stressful event. When the reason is for a job, both the excitement and the stress may be intensified. Get some ideas of how to handle it and, above all else, utilize planning and organizing skills and you can make the move a relatively easy one.

Moving for a New Job, Do’s and Don’ts – the Do’s!

One of the first things you should do is find out if the company is covering the moving costs. This would include hiring professional movers, at the very least, but can also include hotel stays along the way or even the deposit on a rental unit. So, find out if the move will be covered and what exactly that includes. Also, do find out ahead of time if the company is paying up front or if you will have to pay out of pocket and then be reimbursed.

Also, do plenty of research into the area you are considering relocating to. You will want to know if it is the type of climate you can stand or, maybe more importantly, if you can even afford the cost of living. You may be getting more money when moving for a new job, but if it doesn’t fare well compared to the cost of living in the area, there is little point.

Moving for a New Job, Do’s and Don’ts – the Don’ts!

Getting re-situated can be very disorienting. Don’t plan on starting a new job the very next day, if possible. No matter how well you plan the move, there can always be a last minute glitch. Your bed may not show up leaving you for an uncomfortable first night’s sleep in your new place – on the hard wood floor. Or, if you should have car problems and get held up an extra day, it just adds to the stress if you are supposed to be starting work the very next day.

Don’t forget to thoroughly discuss the prospect with your spouse, life partner, children or anyone who may be impacted by being uprooted and relocated. Even the most supportive of families may not feel the process is worth losing friends or the school being attended. Also, if an adult partner will be losing a job he or she really enjoys, don’t expect him or her to be on board right away. Give him or her time to contemplate before expecting a response.

Don’t just tell your loved ones this is what is happening; find out if they can do it. Also, try to plan the move for a time that is less disruptive in someone else’s life. Wait for school to be out or for your wife to be able to attend her best friend’s wedding in the area before making the move. Moving for a new job, do’s and don’ts will hopefully help you make the right choice for your situation.


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