Starting a New Job? Know the Company’s Culture

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Starting a new job can be very stressful. Questions such as, am I going to get along with my boss or will my co-workers accept me, usually comes to mind just after you get over the excitement of landing a new position. The answer to these questions can be the difference between you becoming the company’s best or an employee less.

Though job performance is a major factor in determining your success, making sure you fit in, by any means, should not be overlooked. Within every organization, there are rules and roles to follow. For example, a company’s owner may set aside an hour and a half each Friday to host a luncheon for his employees. If you are not a sociable person, you may not want to attend such an event. But by not attending, you are setting yourself up to be viewed as an outsider.

It may not seem important at first, but company-wide events, be it simple and unproductive, are very important in securing your spot and identity in the company.

But as a new employee, how would you know the hows, the whens, the wheres, etc? The first step would be to meet, greet, and make yourself known to your new coworkers. During this meet and greet session, be sure to make a great first impression. This can be the difference between people approaching you and people keeping a distance.

It is during this time you should target in on a person or a group that you are going to allow to sponsor you. Connecting with this person or group can be as easy as a lunch invitation or chatting at the water cooler during your break.

Being prepared would be helpful when spending time with your new coworkers. Just as you prepared for the job interview by learning the job description, about the company, etc., it is just as important to cover every base in getting to know about the company’s culture. It would not be a bad idea to prepare questions to ask, take notes on birthdays, upcoming events, such as, retirements and wedding. Getting in the loop will surely accelerate your full acceptance in the company.

Salaries and bonuses are not, contrary to popular belief, the one number factor in determining job satisfaction for most employees. If that was the case, why are people walking off six figured jobs each day? Fitting in and being accepted is, in many cases, more important.


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